Name | Robert Piil |
Address |
Smedevej 26, DK-4180 Soroe |
Phone | +45 57 82 13 75 |
See the contact-page |
2005 -
First Line Manager for the Danish Operators at the Service Center. At the same time part of the Manager Team for the Nordic Service Center, with responsibilities for tools. documentation and processes.
2003 - 2005
As of Novemeber 1st, Nordea IT - employees included - has been outsourced to Nordic Processor, which is a Joint Venture owned by Nordea (40%) and IBM (60%).
2000 - 2003
Operator at the Command Centre og Nordea. My primary areas of work are monitoring and operating zOS-Mainframes, Intel servers and UNIX-servers. My secondary work area has been running the mainframe batchflow through OPC/ Tivoli workflow scheduler.
1995 - 2000
Teacher at "Efterskolen Billeshave" which is a danish boarding school. Subjects: Maths, Physics, Music and Angling. Formerly I have teached Basketball/Gymanstics and english. Furthermore I have taken part of the daily work at a boarding school, with responsibility for pupils and the communication with their parents and some administrative work.
1993 - 1995
Teacher at Vestbirk Efterskole (A Boarding School) Subjects: Maths, Physics, English, Basketball and Music.
1993 - 1993
Worked at the Kindergarten: Børnehaven Beatesmindevej 175.
1991 - 1992
Worked at a factory (Rejehuset) during leave from Aalborg University.
1987 - 1991
Student at Aalborg University. I have finished 7 terms of Civil Engineering with majors in Industrial Management. Compareable to a Bachelor degree in engineering, but without the final project.
1986 - 1987
Civil Service at theTatoo Regiment with the Royal Guards of Denmark.
1985 - 1986
Worked for Anglian Tendabeef CO. LTD. In the Accounting department for three months, and at the Labs for another three months.
Student from Aalborg Katedralskole.
2003 -
Chairman of the support organisation for the local Music School in Sorø.
2000 -
Member of Sorø Chess Club.
1998 - 2000
Member of Strib Chess Club.
1995 -
Playing coach, refferee and member of the board in Strib Basketball Club
1982 - 1992
Player (first team in 2. division from 1987), coach, chairman (from 1987) and refferee in Aalborg Basketball Club.
Furthermore I have enjoyed playing music all my life on different instruments including Bass Guitar, Flute, Guitar and Piano. I have teached Aalborg Tatoo Band and had private pupils on Bass. I also enjoy downhill skiing and angling.
I am interested in Litterature, History, and spend a lot of my spare time on Genealogi.